An involving eTwinning project
During this school year we took part in the eTwinning project “What’s in the news” together with students from France, Turkey and Spain. In this project we could collaborate in activities that promote cross-cultural understanding, language learning, helping us develop digital competence awareness and interaction through technologies and at the same time we came to know more about fake news and real ones.
We started introducing ourselves and then carried on reading articles from online magazines and newspapers both about British culture and our own cultures. As some articles were a bit difficult to understand we created short summaries and also glossaries and online games and activities with the aim of improving our English. Throughout the project we worked in groups in class and also with students from other countries. Sometimes it was difficult to understand their way of speaking English, their accent is very different from ours, but we enjoyed creating the magazine together.
Here are some opinions from our mates: “We really liked meeting students from other countries so we had the chance to use our English and talk together.” (Claudio)
“I think it is a great and fun project for people who want to improve their English in a unique way” (Ludovica).
“ One of my favorite activities was the Christmas recipes because cooking with my family was really fun, we could show our partners our creativity and our traditional food. We also loved creating videos about all of this” (Diego A., Andrea, Matteo and Diego R.)
“I loved designing the logo for the project because I really like graphic projects” (Edoardo C.)
“We enjoyed the role play of being a journalist because we realized that it is quite difficult to gather the right information and at the same time we were glad we could investigate and analyze all the facts we had to create an article on our own” (Harshdeep).
As a conclusion, we can say that we would really like to be involved in projects such as these in the future because we liked working with students from different schools in other European countries.
Students of classes 1 CIT and 1 ACM A.S. 2023/2024